Blocks are a way by which Magento distinguishes the array of functionalities in the system and creates a modular way to manage it from both visual and functional stand point. However, you can accurately hold the block lifecycle or events fired in a block?
In Magento, block is a View element of MVC (model-view-controller), having the major task to make data displayed to the users. While creating a theme, you are offered many content blocks that are placed in the structural block. If you are not sure about it, please read my article today…
As you may know, Magento Design Fall-Back is used to render themes from the Magento basic templates and the most important part of this article will make you focus on the fall-back hierarchy. Let’s me show you more details in my following tutorial.
I am going to provide you with further understanding about how to use Magento themes in the easiest way. By giving some main concepts and approach to Structure of Template, this tutorial will certainly be helpful for those who have encountered difficulties when applying Magento Themes as well as wanted to learn more about Magento.
Flushing data is an important process in Magento. This function allows you to return browser the HTML code. It means that Flushing output is to display a content of a request in Magento. You can learn more with my following part.
In order to keep following on from the previous posts, I have now extended the tutorial to bring you handy knowledge about Structure of block templates. This tutorial covers two contents…
As you may know, layout is built with a small set of XML tags that are simple and interesting to learn. By learning some key concepts and commands of layout, you will be soon be equipped with the sufficient knowledge to easily modify your store design to your desired specification.