I am going to provide you with further understanding about how to use Magento themes in the easiest way. By giving some main concepts and approach to Structure of Template, this tutorial will certainly be helpful for those who have encountered difficulties when applying Magento Themes as well as wanted to learn more about Magento.

When there is a request in browser (URL), first Magento uses Request routing to analyze URL and finds out the suitable code to match that request. And then, it defines Controller or Action to return Response. So, Request routing helps you coordinate activities in Magento. You can learn more with my article below.

URL rewrite is something that is not easy to understand. As a developer, you may clearly know the structure, process and others of URL Rewrite? I have made several attempts to get this job done, and today; I will share you materials of URL rewrite to fully exploit it in Magento for the best Search Engine exposure.