Say Hello to October and welcome back to Magento Tutorial by Magestore!

Let’s continue Lesson 6. In part 1, we have learned how to add a Magento menu in backend. Today in part 2, we will learn how to create a Magento controller action in backend.

Let’s go!

1. Declare a router in file config.xml

File  app\code\local\Magestore\Lesson06\etc\config.xml
Overall configuration:

<[Namespace]_[Modulename]_[Adminhtml] > [Namespace]_[Modulename]_Adminhtml</[Namespace]_[Modulename]_[Adminhtml]>



–    <admin> and <routers> are the parent nodes. 1 can be either
•    <admin> : for admin routers
•     <frontend> :  for frontend routers
–    <lesson06admin>: The name of your module in lowercase. You can indicate a name that is already in use (for example adminthml) only if you want to extend the configuration of that route with a child entry in <modules> node (see below). Other settings will not be rewritten or may even cause errors.
–    <args> : node can contain three different types of arguments;
–    <module> : contains the full name of your module including package (Packagename_Modulename). The system will then look for controllers in the controllers directory of the module you indicated.
–    <frontName> : sets the router name as it will be included in the URL: /frontname/controller/action like /lesson06admin/ adminhtml_testbymagestore/index/key/69a015b1c7b4151122e352de306e1d0c/

2. Link structure in Magento

•    In backend:
Example : /lesson06admin/adminhtml_lesson06/view
in which:
–    lesson06admin: is the adminhtml router.
–    adminhtml_lesson06: is the controller name requested in backend (in folder adminhtml).
–    view: is the action in controller lesson06 requested.
•    In frontend:
Example: /lesson06/ lesson06/view
in which:
–    lesson06: is the frontend  router.
–    lesson06: is the controller requested in frontend.
–    view: is the action in the controller lesson06 requested.

3. Controller for each menu

•    Add controllers for each menu
File app\code\local\Magestore\Lesson06\etc\adminhtml.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<lesson06 module="lesson06" translate="title">
<lesson06 module="lesson06" translate="title">
<title>Manage Items</title>
. . .

File controller : app\code\local\Magestore\Lesson06\controllers\Adminhtml\Lesson06Controller.php

class Magestore_Lesson06_Adminhtml_Lesson06Controller extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
protected function _initAction()
Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Items Manager'),
Mage::helper('adminhtml')->__('Item Manager')
return $this;

public function indexAction()

Example 2:
File app\code\local\Magestore\Lesson06\etc\adminhtml.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<lesson06 module="lesson06" translate="title">
<lesson06 module="lesson06" translate="title">
<title>Test Action Menu</title>

URL of action menu:

File controller : app\code\local\Magestore\Lesson06\controllers\Adminhtml\Lesson06Controller.php

class Magestore_Lesson06_Adminhtml_Lesson06Controller extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function testAction(){
$block = $this->getLayout()-> createBlock('adminhtml/template')-> setTemplate('lesson06/test/rendertesttemplate.phtml');
echo $block->toHtml();
protected function _isAllowed()
return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('lesson06');


Here is the end of Lesson 6 – Create a Magento Controller action in backend of  Magento Open Course series. We will turn to Lesson 7 soon. Follow us in Magento Open Course for Magento Tutorial.

See you again.


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