
Magestore extension

Magestore's Blog;

Dear Magento friends,
Probably you have known that API is one of the most important things to developers. Magento provides API functions to allow developers to work with Magento from a third party system. To explore it in more details, why not start reading right now?

A story on Mega Menu extension

Hi guys, nice to meet you in our Magento blog, Interview sections! We have come back from Lunar Tet Holiday with much more energy and interesting stories for you! This week, we will take you to Feinks.com, an online supplier of printer consumables, paper products and other supplies for your home and office to see how Mega Menu brings it success. Alieu, the owner of Feinks.com will share with us.

magento extensions invoice

Invoices are essential parts in sales transactions. An invoice or a bill is a commercial document issued by the seller to the buyer indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products services the seller has provided the buyer. This week, I would like to focus on how to create invoices with Magento technology.

Listing and sorting products

With a rich variety of products and selling campaigns, it seems to be a challenge for both sellers and buyers to manage their transactions. This brings me to the idea of finding the way to list of products on sale and sorts them by discount percent or saved value.