When we want to change the action of a function core in Magento, we can use two ways including: override core class and event-driven architecture. However, Override core has a weakness that each class can only override once. Regarding the event, we can run it in different modules.
There are some functions of Magento core which are written in Block, Model or Helper. When we use these functions due to our purposes we see that they are not suitable and as same as we wish. Therefore, we can utilize Override class feature of Magento to rewrite those functions according to our uses.
In order to continue Magento Tutorial this week, I will lead you to Magento directory structure. Please follow it carefully!
Magento is built based on the principle of object-oriented programming with MVC architecture. The code system of Magento is saved in the form of dispersions so as to increase extension ability for the system. The directory structure is stored as the followings…
Today I will continue the Topic 1: Basic with the next part- Magento Module-based architecture.
Magento is built based on module architecture. All activities of Magento are processed by modules.
You must have heard the hottest news in Magento Community: Magento Certificate exam! Don’t miss the huge and comprehensive resource of Magento brought you by us. Keep your eyes on our Blog every Friday for the latest posts. We will cover the whole 10 content areas which are in the Magento test form, started with the first chapter Basics this week
As an industry partner of Magento, we want to share some magento resources that may helpful for you.
please take advantage of the following resources for you and your implementation team to leverage as you get up-to-speed with Magento.