Magento 2 uses Zend Framework 2. That’s a rumor and becoming a controversial topic in Magento community. What’s about Zend Framework 1? It may not very bad like many people think of it.

In early 2007, when Magento 1 was starting development, the main frameworks at that time were Symfony 1, Codelgniter, CakePHP and the Zend Framework. Each has its own pros and cons. But Zend Framework was the most complete the desired values of Magento even though it was new and still in beta. That is important here is that Magento 1.X is not a traditional Zend Framework 1 application but rather implements and relies on components of the framework.

Why Magento 2 uses Zend Framework 1 is not that bad

  1. Though Zend Framework 1 still hasn’t reached the end of life status, Magento is already maintaining its own fork to ensure prolonged compatibility and specific enhancements for Magento 2.
  2. Magento 2 is trying to uses its own framework, Specifically, Magento 2 basically relies on Zend Framework 1. It is they way to leverage its own adapters and interfaces. We can say that it is quite a great ideal situation, and in fact that is what they have in mind the developed path for Magento 2.
  3. From another information, it’s possible that Magento 2 is trying to remove Zend Framework usage. They recently (0.74.0-beta1) replaced Zend_Locale and Zend_Date with native PHP implementations.

Regarding this topic in Magento Wifi, there is also no information whether Magento 2 use Zend Framework. However, it doesn’t really matter which framework Magento 1 is using. Because, as a Magento developer, you are developing the platform not be dependent on the framework.

All of this is a personal observation of the blogger name Magenticians. If you have any other opinions, share with us by leaving a comment below.


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1 Comment

  1. When Magento 1 was starting development in early 2007, the framework landscape was different than what it looks like today. Magento intended to be a stable, flexible and properly architectured ecommerce software product. The main frameworks at that time were Symfony 1, CodeIgniter, CakePHP and the Zend Framework, and Magento is still used for developing eCommerce websites and it still work fine.

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