


Some days ago, I worked on a project which has many URLs linked to static content page. These URLs are shown in main menu. As you know, in main menu are categories. Normally, almost developers add these URLs directly to the phtml file. But I will show you how to do it by another way which is using category 😉

Therefore, you can use each category for one static content page. Yeah, follow me!!!

Well, I haven’t written for a long time, quite lazy recently :-D. Today, I’m back with a simple thing, as it’s showing in the title: “How to send Magento newsletter”.

It’s really easy, I have to say that ;). Let me walk you through step by step.

Facebook is the most popular social networking site these days. To sell more products and connect to network citizens, many companies, organizations and stores have created their own Facebook fan page. But how to attract a lot of facebook users to join you?

We would like to introduce an easy way to achieve that goal; that is using our extension Facebook fanbox. The fanbox of your Facebook fanpage will appear right in your website, enabling visitors to click “like” to become a fan and keep up with your store’s updates. Especially, this extension is provided by us for free!

How to edit Magento email newsletter? You may tell me that it’s very simple to edit email templates in Magento. I agree ;). This post I just want to share with Magento beginners. So if you already knew it, just skip my post. Otherwise, follow me and see how it is simple.