Want to upgrade your business online but confused with all the tech choices? Then, you should try Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Simply put, PWAs show amazing results: better conversion rates, more user activity, and fewer visitors leaving quickly compared to usual mobile sites.

In today’s competitive digital world, understanding and leveraging PWA could be the edge your business needs. Magestore’s deep dive into the world of PWAs, drawing on many popular websites’ proven expertise, will help you unravel the true potential of this transformative technology. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established enterprise, this article promises to shed light on how PWA can be your game-changer.

What is PWA?

what is pwa technology

With the overwhelming number of apps and websites vying for attention, standing out in this cluttered landscape is paramount. This need for optimal user engagement and the drive for efficient, cross-platform solutions has given birth to an innovative technology: the Progressive Web App.

Progressive Web Apps, or PWAs for short, are the future of web development. They merge the strengths of classic websites with the benefits of mobile apps, offering a seamless and optimal user experience. In essence, a PWA feels and behaves like a mobile app but operates within a browser. Users can install a PWA on their device’s home screen, receive push notifications, and even access the app offline, all without ever visiting an app store. Notable examples of PWAs include Twitter Lite, Starbucks’ ordering system, and Pinterest’s mobile website. 

Retail management system by Magestore is also developed with PWA that helps retailers manage their stores easily from a separate frontend without accessing backend. Thus, business owners can not only save time and speed up store’s complicated operations but also flexibly assign permission to backend for their teams. 

Brief history of PWA as a technology

The concept behind PWAs is not entirely new. It evolved from various web technologies aiming to enhance user experience on mobile devices. The “Progressive Web App” definition was created in 2015 by designer Frances Berriman and Google Chrome engineer Alex Russel. They recognized the growing need for web experiences that could rival native apps in terms of speed, responsiveness, and user engagement. With advancements in browsers, Cache APIs, and Service Workers, it became possible to create web applications that could work offline, send push notifications, and load instantly, thereby giving birth to the PWA as we know it today.

How PWA works

The magic behind PWAs lies in several key technologies

The magic behind PWAs lies in several key technologies.

  1. Service Workers. These are scripts that run in the background, separate from the web page. They enable features like push notifications and offline functionality. Service Workers can cache crucial assets and data, ensuring that the app loads quickly and can function even without an internet connection.
  2. Manifest File. This is a JSON file that controls how the app appears when installed on a device. It defines app details such as its name, icons, and display properties.
  3. HTTPS. PWAs require a secure environment. Using HTTPS ensures that the data exchange between the user and the app remains secure, reinforcing user trust.
  4. Responsive Design. PWAs are designed to fit any form factor, be it mobile, desktop, or tablet. This adaptability ensures a consistent user experience across devices.

Why PWA matters for your business

pwa technology

In today’s fast business world, keeping up with tech is key. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) mix the best parts of websites and mobile apps to help with that. When compared to these two traditional mediums, PWAs offer a series of undeniable advantages.

FeatureBenefit for Businesses
Offline AccessEnsures user access even without an internet connection, enhancing user experience.
Cross-PlatformPWAs work seamlessly across devices and platforms, eliminating the need for multiple app versions.
Instant UpdatesUpdates are immediate, bypassing the lengthy app store approval process.
Cost-EfficientAvoids the high costs of native app development and maintenance.
No App Store DependencyDirect access without app store restrictions or commissions.
Push NotificationsEngage users effectively with timely alerts and updates.

A slew of businesses across industries have already embraced PWA technology and reaped its benefits. For instance,

  • Twitter Lite: By transitioning to a PWA, Twitter saw a 65% increase in pages per session, a 75% increase in tweets, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate.
  • Starbucks: Their PWA solution for ordering allows customers to browse the menu, customize orders, and add items to their cart, all while offline. This resulted in a near-double increase in daily active users.
  • Pinterest: After launching its PWA, Pinterest observed a 60% increase in core engagements and a 44% uplift in user-generated ad revenue.

The provisions of PWA technology are far-reaching, extending beyond online domains. For offline businesses, PWAs offer the ability to engage users with push notifications, promote special offline events or sales, and even provide maps for brick-and-mortar locations, all while using minimal device storage. This ensures a consistent and high-quality user experience, irrespective of the business’s primary platform.

Better user experience

PWAs Better user experience

A big reason people are using Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) more is that they can greatly improve the user experience. PWAs are made to solve many digital challenges businesses face today. Here’s how:

  • Instant Loading and Reliability: PWAs utilize service workers, a script running in the background, that ensures users are not left staring at blank screens, waiting for content to load. This immediate response, even under low-network conditions, keeps users engaged and reduces bounce rates.
  • Offline Accessibility: Possibly the most groundbreaking feature of PWAs is their offline capability. Traditional websites falter without connectivity, but PWAs cache essential data, ensuring users can access content even without an internet connection. This offline functionality addresses a major pain point for users, especially in areas with unreliable internet, guaranteeing uninterrupted interaction with the website or application.
  • Responsive Design: PWAs are built to adapt, providing a seamless experience across all device sizes—from mobile phones to tablets and desktops. This means users receive a consistent interface, optimized for their device, every time they access the PWA.
  • Push Notifications: These are not just limited to native apps anymore. PWAs can send timely notifications, providing users with relevant updates, reminders, or promotions. This direct line of communication enhances user engagement and keeps the brand at the forefront of users’ minds.
  • No Installation Hassle: While native apps require users to go through the process of downloading and installing, PWAs can be added to the home screen directly from the browser, ensuring users don’t have to sacrifice device storage or go through app store gateways.
  • Safety and Security: Since PWAs are served via HTTPS, all interactions are secure. Moreover, service workers act as a shield, intercepting malicious attacks and using Magento 2 extensions for user data protection.

Faster performance

how pwa benefits businesses

The essence of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) revolves around delivering fast and reliable web experiences. Underpinning this is a set of technologies and practices that ensure swift load times.

  • Service Workers: These are the heart of a PWA’s speed. Acting as a proxy between the app and the server, service workers cache vital resources, ensuring instant and consistent performance, even in intermittent network conditions.
  • Caching Mechanisms: Through the Cache API, PWAs store crucial assets and content, meaning subsequent visits to a site are lightning-fast as they don’t rely on fetching every resource from the server.
  • Streamlined Content Delivery: Many PWAs use the PRPL pattern (Push, Render, Pre-cache, Lazy-load) to optimize and prioritize resource delivery, further enhancing load speeds.

A notable business example is Pinterest. After transitioning to PWA technology, they witnessed a 40% increase in time users spent on their site, and their ad revenue soared by 44%. Similarly, Forbes’ PWA loads in just 0.8 seconds, a considerable improvement from its previous 3-second load time.

Better SEO

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) aren’t just designed for user experience and performance; they also offer valuable benefits for search engine optimization (SEO). With the digital marketplace increasingly saturated, better SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings can be a game-changer for businesses.

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): PWAs support SSR, which means content gets rendered on the server before being sent to the browser. This facilitates quicker initial page loads and ensures that web crawlers access the fully rendered content, improving page indexation.
  • Speed and Performance: SEO algorithms favor fast-loading sites. Since PWAs are optimized for rapid performance, they’re inherently SEO-friendly. Search engines, especially Google, prioritize sites that provide a seamless and quick user experience.
  • Offline Capabilities: PWAs function even with poor network conditions. Consistent availability reduces bounce rates, a factor that search engines consider when ranking pages.
  • Mobile Optimization: PWAs are designed with mobile in mind. Given Google’s mobile-first indexing approach, this can play a pivotal role in determining SERP rankings.

In essence, adopting PWA technology is akin to aligning with the best practices of modern web development. By enhancing user experience and performance, PWAs inadvertently hit key SEO metrics, pushing businesses higher on search engine rankings and driving organic growth.
Read more: 5 Retail SEO tips to drive web traffic and foot traffic

Lower development costs

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and businesses are constantly in pursuit of cost-effective solutions. When it comes to app development, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) present a compelling economic advantage over traditional native apps.

  • Single Codebase: PWAs are developed using a single codebase that operates across various devices and platforms. In contrast, native apps often require distinct codebases for iOS and Android. This consolidates the development process, leading to significant time and cost savings.
  • Reduced Maintenance: With only one version to maintain, PWAs simplify updates and bug fixes. Native apps, due to their platform-specific nature, often entail double the maintenance efforts.
  • No App Store Dependencies: PWAs bypass app store listings, eliminating the associated fees and waiting times for approval. This direct-to-user approach reduces overheads and streamlines deployment.

For instance, Twitter made headlines with its PWA, “Twitter Lite.” Not only did it enhance user experience and engagement, but it also represented a fraction of the development cost of building separate apps for different platforms.


In today’s swiftly evolving digital ecosystem, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) stand out as a transformative solution for businesses. They seamlessly bridge the gap between websites and native apps, encapsulating a slew of advantages.

  • User-Centricity: PWAs elevate the user experience, addressing core pain points and even functioning offline.
  • Blazing Speed: With cutting-edge technology under the hood, PWAs guarantee rapid load times, enhancing user engagement.
  • SEO Boost: Their alignment with server-side rendering ensures PWAs get a leg-up in search engine visibility.
  • Economically Sound: Businesses stand to gain considerably by adopting PWAs, thanks to the reduced development and maintenance costs.

The digital world doesn’t wait, and neither should you. If you’re contemplating ways to bolster your business’s online presence and enhance user interaction, PWAs could very well be your answer.

Eager to embrace this change? Let’s take the leap together. Connect with Magestore today, and embark on a journey to realize the full potential of PWAs for your enterprise. Your future online success might just be a click away.

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