1. Dashboard Reports

First please go to Backend > Reward Points > Reports > Dashboard.

On this page, you can access many data to analyze the situation of earning and spending points on your site. To make it easy to follow, the data has been divided into 3 types: Life-time report, period-of-time report.

 Lifetime Reports

You can see all the Life – Time Report about the Reward Points system to the left of the Dashboard page.

Spending/ Earning Ratio


spending earning ratio

This ratio can tell you how many points are spent for every 100 points rewarded.

Cost for a loyal member

dashboard management of loyalty program

This is the ratio beween the total value of orders after Customers spent points to pay and the total number of points spent.

Earning Distribution

dashboard management of loyalty program2

Customers can earn points from many activities on your site such as Order, Sign-Up, Newsletter, Birthday, Review, Product Tag, Facebook like, Refer Friend or even from Admin. This graph shows the percentage of each source from which Customers earn points.

This graph shows the percentage of each source from which Customers earn points.

Average value of money per point spent:
dashboard management of loyalty program3

This number shows the average value of 1 point spent by Customers.

Total points in Customers’ balances:

dashboard management of loyalty program4

This number shows the total number of points which is currently available in all Customers’ balances.

Period-of-Time Reports

Period-of-time reports are the ones you can choose to view in specific periods of time you like. Besides many charts such as charts of Loyal Customers, Points Earned and Spent, Avg. order value vs number of points earned from orders, when installing the Behavior plugin, you can access 3 more charts including Sign-ups, Newsletter Subcription, Product Review.

To track information in a specific period of time, you can select the time range in the dropdown box:

Loyal Customers

loyal customer report

This graph shows the number of loyal Customers in your store in the chosen time period.

Points Earned and Spent:

loyal customer report 2

This report shows the numbers of points your Customers earned and spent.

Avg. order value vs avg. number of points earned from orders

loyal customer report 3

This report shows you the average order value and the number of poin
ts earned from purchasing orders. It enables you to see a correlation between the avg. number of points given to Customers per order and the avg. order value. What you will expect to see is an increase in the order value as you increase the number of points given to Customers for their orders.


loyal customer report 4

This report shows the number of points rewarded for Customers’ sign-ups on your store vs. the number of sign-ups.

Newsletter Subcription

loyal customer report 5

This report shows the number of points rewarded for Customers’ newsletter subscription vs. the number of newsletter subscriptions.

Product review

loyal customer report 6
This report shows the number of points rewarded for Customers’ product reviews vs. the number of reviews.

2. Order Report

This report shows all orders having point rewarding information with many data including Time, Number of Orders, Earned Points, Spent Points, Discount for Using Points, Total of Orders Using Points.

order report

You can filter to easily search for any information you want and export this table to CSV/XML/Excel file.

3. Customer Report

This report shows all Customers having point rewarding information with many data including ID, Customer’s Email, Point Balance, Held-back Balance, Earned Points, Spent Points, Discount for Using Points, Total of Orders Using Points.

csutomer report

You can filter to easily search for any information you want and export this table to CSV/XML/Excel file.

4.  Product Report

This report shows all products having point rewarding information with many data including ID, SKU, Product Name, Price, Qty, Earned Points, Spent Points and Discount for Using Points.

product report

You can filter to easily search for any information you want and export this table to CSV/XML/Excel file.

5. Point Earning Report

This report shows the total points earned by your Customers from all kinds of activities such as Purchase Order, Admin Sign-up, Newsletter, Review, etc. You can choose to show report by day, month and so on.

point spending report

You can filter to easily search for any information you want and export this table to CSV/XML/Excel file.

Above is a completed guide for admin to manage Magento E-commerce loyalty program with many kinds of report. You can use Magestore loyalty program extension to have these exclusive features.


Kate N. is now working as a Retail Solution Specialist at Magestore. She has 3+ years of experience in brand management, marketing, and customer's insights. Kate loves to travel to experience new cultures and discover what is happening with retail all around the world.

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